Montecristo 2010: eradication of invasive alien floro-faunistic components and protection of species and habitats of the Tuscan Archipelago
LIFE08 NAT/IT/000353

Tree-of-Heaven formations on the islands of Montecristo and Pianosa (Tuscany).
Quilghini Giovanni
Identify the most suitable and effective techniques for long-term eradication of the Tree-of-heaven.
Good Practice Description
The good practice has been differentiated in several techniques based on dimensions of the specimens to eliminate. Five of the six procedures implied the usage of systemic herbicide (Glyphosate e Triclopyr):
- Foliar spraying with a Glyphosate solution
- Injection of herbicide containing capsules through a specific instrument (E-Z-JECT® lance)
- Piercing of the plant stem and injection of herbicide solution
- Felling of the specimen and wiping of the cutting surface with herbicide mixture
- Girdling and wiping of the selected area
- Manual extirpation of new seedlings.
The optimal period for carrying out the treatments is late spring- beginning of summer. After the first treatment, monitorings for verifying the efficiency are necessary and, often, also the repetition of the treatments for at least three years.
Territorial Context
- Island of Montecristo: characterized by irregular morphology and an overall granite complexion. The vegetation cover is mainly formed by rockrose forests and a maquis which is dominated by Erica arborea, garigues and annual fields.
- Island of Pianosa: the island has a flat profile and a calcareum substratum. Most of the land area is taken up by former agricultural land undergoing recolonization of maquis, Aleppo pine and garigues.
Replicability conditions
The different types of intervention presented allow the replication of the practice wherever is needed as long as it regards formation fairly distant from seed sources.
Dissemination material
In the final part of the good practice database, it is possible to download material related to the project, particularly a final publication entitled “LIFE + Montecristo 2010 Project” and the “Layman’s Report”.