LIFE17 GIE/IT/000561
The project aims to "distill" the GOOD PRACTICES from LIFE projects of forestry interest realized throughout the European Union between 1992 and 2018.
For good practice, in this case, we mean an instrument for the application of nature conservation, in relation to forest themes in a broad sense. The good practice must be validated, possibly through scientific evidence, in detail described and, therefore, perfectly replicable.
Good practice can be defined on the basis of an application theme (sustainable forest management, climate change mitigation, adaptation to climate change, nature conservation, biodiversity conservation), an application context (biogeographical region, habitat, species, etc.) and the problems and threats treated.
The project aims to identify and disseminate forest management tools aimed at increasing the uses compatible with conservation issues within the Natura 2000 network.
These tools will derive mainly from good practices derived from the 25-year experience of the LIFE Program and the projects of forestry interest that it co-financed.
LIFE GoProFOR intends to encourage the exchange of experiences and best practices for the management of the biodiversity of forest habitats in the Natura 2000 network, with the aim of increasing the level of awareness both by the institutional managers of these areas and by all operators who carry out their influence with their activities on the conservation of habitats and species.
Specific objectives of the project are:
- facilitate an active forest management able to improve the conservation status of species and habitats;
- increase awareness and knowledge of good forest management practices, developing an information and training action aimed at the Italian forest sector, including that operating in the Natura 2000 network;
- encouraging the use of Good Forest Management Practices also in the context of the future planning of Rural Development (2021-2027);
- increase the adoption of Good Practices in forest planning tools;
- increase citizens' awareness of the importance of proper forest management and the value of the Natura 2000 network.
- create a national network of good forest practices to spread widely both inside and outside the Natura 2000 network.
A1 Establishment of the database of Good Practices (BP).
A2 Creation of an IT platform of the BP with web-gis interface of the network of demonstration sites, with multimedia sections. The platform will be interfaced with the Knowledge Platform of the MATTM.
B1 Production of a multimedia collection of the BP for forest management in the Italian Natura 2000 network
B1.1 Geolocation of the areas of intervention considered to be demonstrative of the BP defined in action A1.
B1.2 Preparation of a virtual practice file (available on the web) for each demonstration site.
B2 Creation of training courses for the staff that working in the Natura 2000 network
B2.1 efinition of training and manual modules
B2.2 Creation of “training gyms” in UTB demonstration centers.
B2.3 Development of a mobile system for itinerant training.
B2.4 Creation of training packages for technicians and forest operators.
B3 Promote Good Practices
B3.1 Creation of a national network of the main stakeholders.
B3.2 Establishment of a team of experts in the various categories of Good Practices.
B3.3 Definition of a formal licensing for the operators who have carried out the training activities and identification of the administrative path for its insertion in the GPP procedures.
B3.4 Proposal for implementation of the guidelines (B3.1) in the National Rural Development Program.
B4 Development of 3 planning laboratories in the partner regions of the project
B5 Promotion of the project in the European context
B5.1 European Network of Good Forest Management Practices
B5.2 Promotion of the project within the ERIAFF network
B.5.3 Promotion of the replicability of training programs in other European contexts.
B.5.4 Preparatory activities for the development of future training activities for 8 European Union countries
C1 Monitoring on the level of application of the tools developed with the project
C1.1 Level of knowledge of the project tools in particular for RDP actors
C1.2 Variation of skills of technicians and forest undertakings
C1.3 Improvement of planning tools
C1.4 Ex-post verification on qualified students
C1.5 Level of utilization of the multimedia platform
C1.6 Degree of use of web tools.
C2.1 Monitoring of the socio-economic impact of the project
D1 Communication plan and its application
D1.1 Communication plan
D1.2 Website and Facebook profile of the project
D1.3 Notice board
D1.4 Layman's Report
D1.5 video set
D1.6 Initial conference and final conference
D1.7 Netwrking
D.2 Pathways in augmented reality of the BP
D3 Implementation of thematic bulletins for the European Natura 2000 network
E1 General management of the project
E2 Audit
E3 After Life Plan
Areas of intervention
The project will not intervene in specific areas, but will create 2 training gyms located in the SCIs that were administered by the Verona RCB (Bosco Fontana State Reserve in Mantua) and Pratovecchio (AR), at the Satan Reserves of the Casentinesi forests.
The LIFE GoProFor Project has a partnership consisting of nine subjects divided between:
Coordinating beneficiary
- D.R.E.AM. Italia, società cooperativa agricolo forestale
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Associated beneficiaries
- Compagnia delle Foreste
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- Centre National de la Propriété Forestière
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- CREA - Consiglio per la Ricerca in agricoltura e l'analisi dell'Economia Agraria
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- Arma dei Carabinieri - Comando Unità per la Tutela Forestale, Ambientale e Agroalimentare Carabinieri
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- Dr Wolf S.r.l.
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- Regione Lazio - Area Valutazione di Incidenza e Risorse Forestali - Direzione Politiche Ambientali e Ciclo dei Rifiuti
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- Regione Molise
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- Regione Toscana
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This table, updated quarterly, describes the progress of the project. Following what is reported in the legend it is possible to identify the actions not yet started, those under development and those already completed.
Green: Action completed
Yellow: Action in progress
Red: Action not yet started
Red line: Current moment
What is LIFE
LIFE is a Program introduced by the European Union in 1992, with which projects on environmental issues proposed by the member countries are co-financed. The objective is to provide specific support for the development and implementation of Community environmental policy and legislation, in particular to pursue the objectives of the Seventh Community Environment Action Program. Funded projects can be proposed by public or private operators, bodies or institutions.
LIFE is the funding program for the period from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2020, and has a total budget of over 3.450 million of euro.
The main objectives of the LIFE Program are:
- contribute to the transition to an efficient economy in terms of resources, with lower carbon emissions and resilient to climate change. Contribute to the protection and improvement of the quality of the environment and to the interruption and reversal of the biodiversity loss process, including support for the Natura 2000 network and the fight against the degradation of ecosystems;
- improve the development, implementation and application of Union environmental policy and legislation. Catalyzing and promoting the integration and dissemination of environmental and climate objectives in other Union policies and in practice in the public and private sectors, including through increasing their capacity;
- further support environmental climate governance at all levels, including increased participation by civil society, NGOs and local actors;
- support the implementation of the 7th Environmental Action Program.
The LIFE + program includes the following two sub-programs.
- LIFE "Environment":
o environment and resource use;
o nature and biodiversity;
o governance and information on the environment.
- LIFE "Climate Action":
o mitigation of climate change;
o adaptation to climate change;
o governance and information on climate.
- LIFE "Information and communication".
Through the "calls" that are annually proposed by the European Commission it is possible to present projects in one of the LIFE strands.
To find out more about the LIFE Program, you can download informative material and forms, check the deadlines of the last "call" and view LIFE projects you can visit the dedicated website of the European Commission - Environment (Insights in English):