LIFE Maestrale - Actions aimed at restoring and preserving dune and behind the dune habitats in Molise
LIFE10 NAT/IT/000262

Degraded coastal pine forests (habitat 2270*) because of the invasion of the alloctone plant species (mainly Acacia saligna).
Improvement of the floristic composition and spatial structure of the vegetation through the implementation of clear cuts and painting with systemic plant protection products applied to exotic and/or alien species in order to eradicate them.
Reconstitution of the habitat 2270* through planting with native tree and shrub species of local origin.
Good Practice Description
The good practice consists in improving the floristic composition and spatial structure of habitat 2270* through the eradication of exotic and/or alien species (mainly Acacia saligna) and the planting of species typical of this environment. The native species were produced ex-situ in a regional plant nursery in the immediate vicinity of the intervention area.
In addition to the restoration and protection of habitat 2270*, the project contributed to the restoration of primary dunes through the planting of Mediterranean scrub species linked to habitat 2260 and the creation of pedestrian walkways to avoid the trampling of vegetation.
Territorial Context
Molise coast, characterised by a very heterogeneous and distinctive landscape mosaic, from the sea to the hinterland, passing by sandy beaches, coastal dunes, Mediterranean scrub, pine forest, wetlands and rural areas.
Replicability conditions
Molise coast, characterised by a very heterogeneous and distinctive landscape mosaic, from the sea to the hinterland, passing by sandy beaches, coastal dunes, Mediterranean scrub, pine forest, wetlands and rural areas.
Dissemination material
In the final part of the GoProFor database, it is possible to download material relating to the project and in particular two articles entitled: "Acacia saligna: specie invasiva delle coste molisane" and "The impact of Acacia saligna invasion on Italian coastal dune EC habitats".