RESILFOR - Restoration of forests dominated by beeches with Silver Fir in the Apennines between Tuscany and Marche
LIFE08 NAT/IT/000371
Protection of Salamandrina perspicillata with reproductive tanks made safe by predators and natural events.
Increase the chances of the successful reproduction of Salamandrina perspicillata, reducing the risks due to draught occurences, floodwater and predation by trouts.
Good Practice Description
Among the species protected by the Habitats Directive there is also Salamandrina perspicillata. This amphibian completes its reproductive cycle in water courses from spring to summer, and the main adversities it encounters are:
- the presence of predators (trout) that feed on eggs, fry and even adults;
- the occurrence of flood waves that take away eggs and tadpoles.
The ReSilFor project to protect this species has put in place a good practice which consists in the creation of artificial tanks connected to the stream where the species can reproduce in a natural and peaceful environment. In fact, in these tanks the flood waves cannot cause damage and cannot be used for sowing trout.
Territorial Context
Central Italian Apennines in the Tuscany and Marche regions. These are mountainous reliefs characterized by fragmented sedimentary rocks with deep and fertile soils. The forest areas are located between 1000 and 1500 m asl. From a climatic point of view, all areas have a Mediterranean climate with rainfall patterns in the spring autumn periods and with partial water deficits in the summer periods.
Replicability conditions
There are no particular difficulties in replicating this good practice, it has modest costs and is easy to implement. Furthermore, it is also adaptable to amphibian species that present similar difficulties in completing the reproductive cycle.
Dissemination material
From the GoProFor database, in the final part of the good practice file, it is possible to download the "Layman's report" of the ReSilFor Project.