Techniques for the collection and production of native woodland species typical of habitat 91E0*


ST.A.R. - Conservation and expansion of wet woodlands belonging to habitat 91E0 (alluvial forests of Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior)

LIFE07 NAT/IT/000498

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Techniques for collecting propagation material and producing seedlings of native woodland species typical of habitat 91E0* for the renaturalization of wetlands and riverine areas.


Conservation and dissemination of autochthonous genotypes of woodland species of habitat 91E0*, through the collection of local propagation material and reproduction in nursery infrastructures.

Good Practice Description

Seven tree species and eight shrubs typical of habitat 91E0* were identified and the best mother plants from which to collect the seed or branches for cuttings were selected in the area. Depending on the species, the best techniques and timing have been identified to produce seedlings that could be planted in the field and start new forest stands.

Territorial Context

The project area falls within the Municipality of Rivignano (UD) and is characterised by flat land, which tends to be fine-grained and periodically flooded by groundwater resurgence phenomena. Specifically, this good practice took place within the small municipal nursery built specifically for the project.

Replicability conditions

The proposed activity and the municipal nursery model are replicable in any context by any administration that wishes to pursue environmental renaturalization policies. In fact, the construction of the small greenhouse, the training of internal staff, and the production of tree seeldings deriving from local seeds does not involve unaffordable investments.

Dissemination material

From the LIFE GoProFor database, in the final part of the sheet, it is possible to download some material relating to the project, including a technical report on the results of the project and the final manual describing all the good practices implemented.