RES MARIS – “Regenerating threatened habitats in the marine area of Capo Carbonara, Sardinia”
LIFE13 NAT/IT/000433

Eradication of alignment species and invasive that threaten the habitat 2270* introduced mainly for ornamental purposes in private and public green coastal gardens.
Reduction of the presence of invasive alien species from the coastal habitats up to their final elimination, without damaging the local flora and fauna and avoiding the risk of erosion of sensitive habitats of the dune system.
Good Practice Description
The good practice was preceded by the analysis and cartography of the distribution of invasive species (especially Acacia spp., Carpobrotus spp. and Agave spp.), to which manual or mechanical eradication interventions are followed according to the species and size. It is important to not leave any vegetational residue on the ground because any part of the plant can re-energize and multiply even in the most difficult conditions. The ideal period to eliminate plants is before flowering/fruiting, to avoid new seed production. In the case of cutting trees, the base of the stem must be covered with anti-germination sheets to avoid the germination of the plant. In the years following the eradication interventions repeated checks are required to eliminate any nee shoots and new plants.
Territorial Context
Southern Sardinia in the SAC "Isola dei Cavoli, Serpentara, Punta Molentis and Campulongu" where the habitat 2270* is present in the innermost part of the stable dunes and occupies about 9 hectares. This is an area with a strong tourist vocation where the alien species, introduced for ornamental purposes, now occupy about 9% of the surface.
Replicability conditions
The interventions carried out in this good practice can be replicable in all the dune ecosystems of the Mediterranean areas.
Dissemination material
From the LIFE GoProFor database, in the final part of the sheet, it is possible to download some material relating to the project, including the "Manual of good practices and guidelines for the correct use and management of natural habitats in the beach system", reporting on the actual conservation actions (Actions C4 and C5), as well as the Layman's report and the final technical report where all the actions are described.