First European Conference GoProFor in Palermo

First European Conference GoProFor in Palermo

On November 11th, in Palermo, will be held the first of the three conferences foreseen by the Project to promote, at the European level, the dissemination of good forest management practices in the Natura 2000 Network. The Palermo’s conference is entitled “LIFE and Natura 2000 Network. From Projects experience towards a shared model for forest management” and is an important opportunity to share the results of the first year of work of the LIFE GoProFor and to set up a network with European LIFE projects that are particularly strategic with the theme of our project.

During the event, in the afternoon, the program plans to deepen the opportunities for transferring the experiences of LIFE dedicated to forest management and conservation, through two parallel sessions related respectively to: "Forests and Biodiversity" and "Forests and Climate Change".

Download the program >>>

The Conference will take place in the Aula Magna "G.P. Ballatore" (Building 4, Entrance C – ground floor) of the Department of Agricultural Food and Forestry Sciences (DSAAF) - University of Palermo - V.le delle Scienze, I-90133 Palermo.

How to get there
The airport of Palermo, "Falcone Borsellino", is about 35 km from the city center. The following services can be used to reach the venue:

  • Metropolitan railway service managed by Trenitalia, Line “Punta Raisi-Palermo Centrale”: the conference venue is 50 meters from “Palazzo Reale-Orleans” station, exit side Via E. Basile, continue on the right to the gate of Viale delle Scienze, the first building on the right;
  • Bus service: info at;
  • Taxi service: info at;

Online registrations are closed, but it will be possible to register on the morning of the Conference